Parallel manipulators, Singularity-free path-pl...
I am an electronics and robotics enthusiast, a dedicated person who wants to use his skills and education to help society by applying knowledge for its betterment and development. Some topics of in...
Skill Set:
Technical Skills: Symbolic computation, Multi-objective optimisation, Path-planning, Geometric algebra, Parameter and state estimation, Data based modelling, Long short-term memory (LSTM) models, Machine learning
Computational Skills: Software tools: Mathematica, MATLAB, Solidworks, KiCAD, Octave, GSworks2, KEIL, Arduino, STM Cube, CATIA, AutoCAD, ROS, OpenCV, RTOS, Inkscape, LaTeX
Programming languages: C/C++, Python, HTML, PHP (basic)
Embedded hardware: ATMEL (AVR), ARM, PIC, RPi, NVIDIA Jetson
Lab Affiliations:
Center Name: Robotics Lab, Department of Engineering Design, IIT Madras